Published in 2016 by the Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles in conjunction with an exhibition of the same name. The catalog was designed by Dennis Reed and production overseen by One Cat Press. It is available from the museum bookstore. 

J. T. Sata: Immigrant Modernist

Published in 2024 by the Japanese American

National Museum to accompany an exhibition of the same title. 

Wakaji Matsumoto: An Artist in Two Worlds, Los Angeles and Hiroshima, 1917-1944 

An online exhibition at the Japanese American National

Museum website, 2021, curated by, with an essay by Dennis

Reed and Karen Matsumoto.


special note - the majority of the prints included in this publication were acquired by the J. Paul Getty Museum in the spring of 2019.



Published in 2016 by One Cat Press, this signed, limited edition (250) book presents photographs by Carolyn Marks Blackwood with poems by Mus White.  It is not available for purchase from One Cat Press. 


June Harwood: Paintings

Published in 2023 by the June Harwood Charitable Trust. The

book, designed by Dennis Reed, is 336 pages, casebound, with

102 plates and six essays by four authors: Christopher Knight,

Daniell Cornell, Rebecca McGrew, and Dennis Reed. It is

available at:

Thirteen Round Moons

Making Waves: Japanese American Photography , 1920-1940

This book is in the collection of the

following institutions

Bancroft Library

Huntington Library

Getty Museum

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Boston Museum of Fine Arts

UCLA Special Collections

George Eastman House

National Gallery of Australia

Santa Barbara Museum of Art

Hirsch Library, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

University of Washington Special Collections

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Center for Creative Photography

Brand Library, Glendale

Los Angeles Central Library

Japanese American Photography  Commemorative Edition

This award winning book, with essays by Colin Westerbeck and Dennis Reed, is unique in its use of the latest digital printing technology combined with handmade fly sheets and a handcrafted binding. The book contains seventy-seven reproductions of vintage photographs, all drawn from the Dennis Reed Collection. The edition is limited to one hundred copies, all numbered and signed. 

Hiromu Kira, The Thinker, c 1930

copyright, Sadamura Family Trust, Used by permission.

sorry - this book has sold out



10" wide x 14" tall / 168 pages + fly & cover / 70 color plates and 7 color figures = 77 reproductions / cover is blind embossed and printed on French Paper Speckletone Natural Cordtone wrapped around Mohawk Loop Feltmark Coco / text is printed on 100 lb Mohawk Superfine Eggshell White /  handmade Mulberry paper fly / Japanese stab binding with hand-tied blanket stitch in natural jute.

about the authors

Colin Westerbeck served as the curator of photography at the Art Institute of Chicago for seventeen years, and he served as the former director of the California Museum of Photography. Among his many publications are Irving Penn: A Career in Photography and Joel Meyerowitz: Bystander, A History of Street Photography. Westerbeck wrote a column on photography for the LA Times, and he is currently a regular contributor to Art in America.

Dennis Reed has written for the Getty Museum, Stanford University, and the Oxford University Press, among others. His biography can be read on this website under the page Dennis Reed.


Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in relocation camps. Among those who were incarcerated were a number of photographers who had seen their works exhibited and published worldwide to significant acclaim. Sadly, most of these works were lost or destroyed during the relocation. 

This book commemorates the first showing of these works, rediscovered and organized by the author, Dennis Reed, thirty years ago in 1982. A small catalogue was published at that time, and later, in 1985, a more comprehensive catalogue was published by the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center. 

This is the first comprehensive publication of work by the Japanese Americans in more than a quarter of a century.